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Rewild And Restore
Garden Buys Wintercreek Nursery
Bend Source: July 20, 2022
By: Damian Fagan
The sale of the native plant Wintercreek Nursery too the nonprofit Worthy Garden Club this month has many implications for conservation projects throughout the West, as well as for the volunteers and stewards in the art of land restoration. More...
Worthy Garden Purchases Wintercreek Nursery
Cascade Business News: July 7, 2022
The Worthy Garden Club has announced the purchase of Wintercreek Nursery, the largest native plant nursery in Central Oregon. The purchase is part of the Garden Club’s expansion into active conservation and restoration of natural areas. This purchase grants us the opportunity to produce our own plant material for essential work in preserving biodiverse ecosystems across Oregon and throughout the region. More...
Rewilding the American West
Worthy Garden Club Grants $65,000 to Dr. Bill Ripple, OSU Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society
Press Release: March 18, 2022
BEND, OR. The Worthy Garden Club announced today that is has granted $65,000 to Dr. Bill Ripple, Distinguished Professor of Ecology and the Director of the Trophic Cascades Program at Oregon State University to complete urgent research in biodiversity and habitat quality across eleven western states. Dr. Ripple’s work will analyze habitat availability, quality, and connectivity across the American West, and provide a framework for prioritizing rewilding throughout the region. More...
Worthy Garden Club - Restoration, Conservation, and Education
January 31, 2022
A proposal is being drafted that describes operational and financial elements of two new initiatives for the Worthy Garden Club: nursery acquisition, and a conservation corps implementing projects designed to increase biodiversity, environmental health, and carbon capture and storage. This document provides a broad overview of the proposal, including a description of the purpose and need to move in this direction, and the opportunities to advance the vision of the Worthy Garden Club. More...